Wednesday, April 29, 2009

*contest now closed!!* Capri Sun $250 Visa Gift Card Giveaway!!

*This is a compensated review from BlogHer and Capri-Sun.*

Having 3 kids makes life a tad bit crazy. When my school-aged kids wake up in the morning, chaos ensues. Breakfast needs to be made, lunches made, the toddler's needs are screamed out at me and Hubby gets to shuttle everyone off in the right direction.

Luckily my oldest lives by her alarm clock, but my sluggish second child needs a bit more incentive. What helps keep our rountine in line is the menus for the day. Breakfast food set and ready, lunch prep made simple and easy. We look for brands we can trust at the grocery store. Brands that offer nutrition as well as convenient packaging are always tossed in the cart.

Long gone are the days where we have time to fill a thermos and toss that bulky thing into a lunch bag. My kids are Capri Sun drinkers. The pouch is the right amount of juice so satisfy their thirst, and the price for a box of 10 is unbeatable at any store! The pouches are perfect for their lunch pails and Capri Sun is a name our family can trust.

Capri Sun Sunrise is the new, wholesome morning drink for kids chock full of Vitamin C and calcium.
- A good source of calcium
- 100% Daily Value Vitamin C
- The pouch kids love

There are 3 new flavors of Capri Sun Sunrise, Berry Tangerine Morning, Tropical Morning, and Orange Wake Up. My 3 children loved the Orange Wake Up best, while I enjoyed the taste of Berry Tangerine Morning.

Thanks to BlogHer and Capri-Sun Sunrise you can enter to win a $250 Visa Gift Card!!

To Enter:
Leave me a comment below and share YOUR morning routine tips, if you have kids, how do you get them up and ready to go (especially on a school day)? This comment is a must, and without it, any and all entries will be deleted.

Rules/Extra Entries:
*No duplicate comments, one per person/household/email address
*You may receive one additional entry for Twittering and leaving a link in the comments
*You may receive one additional entry by blogging about this contest and leaving a link in the comments.

*official contest dates: 4/29/09-7/8/09

*This giveaway is open to US residents, over the age of 18.
*You must leave an email for contact purposes!
*Winners will be selected via random draw, and will notified by e-mail on July 8, 2009.
*You have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
BlogHer Reviewer
Visit the Contest/Review Roundup Page to enter again at various participating blogs!!


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Angie Vinez said...

As a homeschooling mom to 5, our morning routine is insane. I get up around 5:30. Read my Bible, get a shower, get ready, and then do some things around the house. At 7:30, I wake up my oldest and she gets ready for the day. At 8, I get up my 5, 4, and 2 year olds - if they're not already awake. The baby gets up whenever he wants to get up. Everyone gets dressed, we have breakfast as a family (usually about the time Daddy gets home from work), and then I put the baby in the sling, get some activities ready for my 2 & 4 year olds and then start school with my older kids. By sticking to a routine, the kids do MUCH better. When something happens and the routine is shot, it's like the whole day is impossible to get back on track.

All I can say is THANK HEAVENS it's summer time! It's much more relaxed around here in the mornings!

Angie Vinez said...


Anonymous said...

my morning routine is:
get up, shower, brush my teeth, put on makeup, grab snacks for lunch and im out the door

mjf926 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

morning routine tip: keep it simple and fast.

If there are too many things to remember, something will be forgotten

9_26 at myway dot com

Real Live Lesbian said...

I have no kids...but the morning routine is still there with two dogs and one of them being diabetic!

Wake up, treadmill for 30, shower and hairdo, warm insulin, let puppies out to poo, bring everyone in and test Trace's bloodsugar, feed the furkids and the insulin shot!

Thanks for the great giveaway!


traceisaac65 AT

Joanna (joanna.price(at)live(dot)com) said...

I am a SAHM, and my son is 5 months- so our mornings are really relaxed. I always start with a cup of coffee though!

Joanna (joanna.price(at)live(dot)com) said...


Debbie said...

I have two kids under the age of 3, and so my mornings are a little crazy. It helps that we don't have to rush off to school though! For those that do have school-age kids, my best tip would be to get everything together the night before. Set their school clothes out, put their homework in their backpacks and set that next to their clothes, and make their school lunches to have ready in the refrigerator to grab quickly as you run out of the house.

~Debbie Perkins

jeanine p said...

I'm lucky enough that my son is 13 and gets himself up and ready on his own. Hubby makes the coffee and I sleep as late as possible until it is time to make the doughnuts lol. jtrophy at aol dot com

Shannon said...

I try to get as much done the night before... pack lunches, pick out what the girls are going to wear the next day, backpacks by the door...

Rachel said...

Each morning is different. It just depends when the kids wake up. I usually get the older one dressed first.

smdrm said...

My 5 kids are grown, but I remember those days.
The key to getting them up early is get them to bed early - routine is a big help. Whatever is needed for the day must be ready the night before!
Train them early to do for themselves what is age-appropriate.
Have yourself organized as well - night before and morning of.

Maggie Smith said...

I don't really have any tips seeing as though my son is only 15 months old. When we wake up, I bring him downstairs and put him in his highchair to eat cheerios and bananas while I put my contacts in, go to the bathroom etc. It allows me to have 5 minutes to myself in the morning!

newmommyin08 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Liz said...

Our mornings seem to be sooo crazy. I need to get up at six, but its hard to. So I wake up when ever Kayla, 1, starts crying. She walways wants milk first thing in the morning. So I get her milk, get her, and jump back in bed for a few more minutes of sleep. My husband gets up between 6:15 and 6:30 to get our oldest Dorian, 7, up. He gets himself dressed and his own breakfast. By this time I am usually getting in the shower, sometime with Kayla. I then change and dress Kayla. If she hasn;t eaten some of Dorian's breakfast I fix her something to eat, or fix myself something and share it. Dorian has left for the bus with my husband. If I get all this done early I sit and watch the news or something short on my DVR. I then get her bottle and cup ready for daycare. Pack her bag. Pack my lunch and head out to the car. I take her to daycare then I go to work. Whew...what a morning! :)


Joy said...

I always snooze once, but then I'm up and out the door within 30 minutes.
My suggestion: Sleep as much as possible, and work quickly to get out the door :)

email: mjharvey26 [at] yahoo [dot] com
name: Joy

WeaselMomma said...

Our morning routine is chaos. Organized Chaos, but chaos none the less. The kids eat breakfast while I pack lunches with capri sun raging waters.

WeaselMomma said...

WeaselMomma@Themomjen is giving away a $250 Visa gift card! than 10 seconds ago from web

(this is the copy/paste of my tweet. I dont know how to make it a link.

Unknown said...

I don't have kids yet.... My morning starts at 630... I hit snooze a couple times... Jump I'm the shower... Get dressed, hair, makeup.... Make my hubby's lunch... Gran something for myself for lunch & breakfast and then head to work around 730!

Former Fat Chick said...

I am so happy I have teens, they get themselves up, bath themsleves, feed themselves and leave for school before I have even opened my eyes. I think, they could also be skipping I have no idea, I'm sound asleep!

Madame Coin said...

The only thing that helps me is to make sure the kitchen and living room are clean before I go to sleep. Otherwise mornings are AWFUL!

Kristina said...

My morning routine was the only way I was able to go through the day, especially starting at 5 a.m. every morning! My key was truly just having a routine and doing things the same way every day. Get up, go downstairs and turn on laptop, go back up get in shower, make scrambled eggs for breakfast, eat while checking email, finish hair, kiss DH goodbye as he still slept and I headed out the door at 6:30. Routines Routines Routines! I would have loved to have some of the Sunrise with me for my car ride into work. A nice easy and portable way for even adults to get their Vit C & Calcium!

kjast1 at comcast dot net

Jessica said...

Even as an adult I like to pick out my outfit the night before an knw what I am having for breakfast.That way there is no wasting time.I also like to take a shower the night before instead of morning to save time as well.
driven873 AT hotmail DOT com

Krista Neil said...

During school in order to help things run "smooth" in the morning we have to do lots the night before. Get clothes out, make lunches, even figure out a hairstyle and get hairthings out, you name it if it can be prepared beforehand we do it. During the summer we usually try to relax, but we we follow the above routine for early dr. apt. days and stuff like that too.

JeanineMB said...

I know it's been said before, but it really does help to lay everything out the night before. And pack lunches and backpacks, too. If possible, I like to get up 10 minutes earlier than I think I need-- it's always that last minute panic to get out the door that kills me!

Miranda said...

Morning routine, well lets just say we are still tryin to find one that works. We get up and the boys get dressed in their rooms before they even come out (they are 4 and 5) from there it's breakfast, teeth brushing and then cartoons if they have time. I get up 30 minutes before they do to get my coffee in me and lunches, etc ready to go.

I also twittered about the contest

Kristy said...

One of my morning tips is always, always picking out clothes the night before! And getting backpacks ready and set by the door before bed!
Those are wonderful things to have done to save a little time!

Jennifer said...

I don't have kids yet, but I wake up at 4am to be at work after 6am, but that's because my lazy butt wants to be able to sit and have a cup of tea, surf the internet a little while, watch the news, have breakfast, do my hair, do makeup, etc. I'm sure all of that will change once children enter the picture.


ParkerMama said...

I start my day with a bolus feed and meds for Parker. (The first of many sessions.)

Then I unhook him from the all the monitors and bells and whistles he has been hooked up to during the night.

Then I get my other kids up.

**One helpful tip:

I've known to call my oldest on his cell phone to make sure that he is really up.

**My best tip though is to have a week's worth of breakfast's calendared out. Everybody knows what we are Mom.

It might be something as simple on really hectic mornings such as English muffin broiled with a little butter and parm cheese on top, and a to-go juice wrapped up in an napkin and eaten on the run.

Then on slower mornings I can calendar in a family sized omelet or something.

Surviving mornings takes scheduling. At least at our house.
ParkerMama on Twitter

hods 5 mom (@) aol (dot) com

Mandy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mandy said...

It is ALL about the night-before prep in my house. My son wears a uniform to school, so this makes getting dressed a breeze. We sometimes turn mundane things like rushing teeth into a contest between ourselves to see who can do it the fastest.

mommycracked (at) gmail (dot)com

Katherine M said...

My own son is fully grown. I'm with my nephew every morning doing his respiratory routine, breakfast and at least half/day of homeschooling. It's hectic and wonderful. I value every moment even when it's difficult to juggle.

Anonymous said...

I pick out my outfit the morning before and shower at night, so that less to do in the advice...plan ahead so you aren't rushing in the morning
9_26 at myway dot com

Unknown said...

During the school year, I wake up at seven, check my email and make breakfast, lay out clothes, wake the kids up to eat...and then I read out loud from the Bible while the kids eat. Then the kids get dressed and brush their teeth. I usually take them to school in my jammies! Lol! :-)

Lindsay V said...

Feed & change baby, hand off to husband, get ready quick, put baby diaper bag & purse in car, get baby from hubbie, put baby in carseat, drop off at babysitters, go to work.
I don't have tips, I just operate in survival mode in the morning!
lindsmoore55 at yahoo dot com

Kristyn Martin said...

I prepare as much as possible the night before so that there is less stress in the morning. I have a 20 month old so he can't do any of the morning activities himself. Being perpared really saves time on busy mornings!

Kristyn Martin said...

I tweeted.

mscoffee77 said...

Weekdays are very hectic for us. We have a 3 year old son & a 15 month old son. Our 3 year old son attends pre-school 5 days a week. Our 3 year old sits on the potty while my husband showers & then he helps him get dressed. In the meantime, I am in the kitchen making my husband's breakfast and lunch & my 3 year old's breakfast and lunch. Usually, my 15 month old wakes up about this time & needs his diaper changed and wants to nurse before he eats his breakfast. Finially, I hand my husband his lunch and my 3 year old his backpack and off they go.


Anonymous said...

Our morning routine is fairly sane. I take care of doing any packing of bags and setting out clothes the night before so in the morning I just have to get the kiddo up, fill him up with breakfast and see that he gets dressed.

talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I tweeted

talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I blogged

talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Michelle said...

Well I don't have kids, but I do wake my boyfriend up most mornings to drive me to work. We stop at Dunkin Donuts for my much needed coffee or latte, and he has a milk and a muffin.
On the weekends I entice him out of bed with Chocolate Chip Pancakes! The fun part about making choc. chip pancakes with kids is that they get a kick out of dropping the chocolate chips in the mix themselves or right into the pancake while its in the pan.
mpelosi at partners dot org

Malaika said...

For a smooth morning I always, always have to be awake a half hour before any of the kids (I have four). It usually goes pretty smooth in shifts. First I get the schoolers up and out the door and then I work on the stay-homers. What happens when they all wake up at the same time? I´ll never tell...

Bridgette said...

My tips for a successful morning routine with three boys is to line them up and dress them one by one. Then sit them down for breakfast while I get ready. The TV helps too.


Misusedinnocence said...

We sing a good morning song and then start the day with a good breakfast. :)

Aimee said...

I have an infant and I am a stay at home Mom. I get woken by either cries or squeals between 630 and 8, depending on my child's sleepiness. I get up with her, get us each dressed along with our corresponding 'potty routines' than I make her a bottle and lay her down on the floor with it while I have breakfast and try to wake up enough to get moving.

Bill Edwards said...

Well, the pooch is our rooster. At 5:30 am SHARP she gets me up and the two of us creep out of the bedroom so my significant other can continue snoring for another 2 hours. It's early, but it's Arizona-early and that is a very cool (!) time of day!

The Halton Mom said...

Our routine is anything but simple. The dog goes out first, then my toddler gets a new diaper, milk and cereal. My 5 year is next with her endless demands and medications. We've not gotten to school yet but we're already running that morning marathon.

lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com

stockpilesrus said...

We get our kids up by cooking. Somehow, it wakes them right up & they can't resist getting up to see what's cookin'.
Great giveaway! Please enter me & Thanks from

Laney said...

Setting everything out the night before and having lunches made & breakfast planned helps a lot!

Laney said...


Anonymous said...

I don't have a lot of time in the morning, as I'm always sleeping late, but I put a bagel in the toaster before I start getting ready, so I can grab it as I head out :)

smtracyt at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

twittered via

smtracyt at hotmail dot com

Honey + Lime said...

I wake my son up around 7:45am. He is so simple, potty, brush teeth, get dressed and go downstairs! About 15-20 min for breakfast, then its off to school! Why can't it be this easy for us women? Hope I win this giveaway!

Honey + Lime said...

Tweeted this giveaway, @dee_greatest

Mommy Daisy said...

My son gets up pretty well on his own, but he likes to be lazy after that. So I just get the ball rolling as soon as he's out of his room: potty, brush teeth, get dressed, eat breakfast, etc. Then we can get on with our day.

Mommy Daisy said...

I tweeted:

Bryn said...

I don't have kids, but I drank an entire box of Capri suns while camping d and I forgot how much I love them. I had two or three every morning and will continue drinking them from now on!

Maria Melee said...

I bathe my son BEFORE bed time, so that in the morning I don't have to mess with baths or showers.

Toni said...

Nothing to fancy in the morning (since the kids are still young). Wake up with the kids, breakfast, playing and then going about our day. If we have somewhere to be the next day before 9am, I get ready the night before (diaper bag packed and outfits layed out).

toni.carman (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

I have to have my coffee!

Tamara B. said...

My morning routine is crazy sometimes but the key is to be organized. I have the children take their showers the night before and lay out their clothes that night. I premake waffles, pancakes, sausage on the weekends and put them into freezer containers that way all I have to do is zap quickly in the microwave and sit out a juice pouch and they are feed. On the weekends we are more slack about the routines.

Lisa R said...

I like to get up a few minutes before my daughter to have a cup a tea and clear my head before all the drama of the day starts. My daughter gets up now that schools out. She has to have her Hot chocolate and breakfast and then it's mommy can I do this and can we do that. I'm bored and it's only before 8 in the morning. I feel like going back to sleep.

Anonymous said...

My morning consists of checking my email before the kids get up, making a couple of calls to family and friends, sitting outside and enjoying the sunrise...then the chaos begins and the kids are up, dogs are all over the place, and hopefully kitty doesn't have a suprise for me on the doorstep on my way to work. Hopefully I will get my Keva Juice soon.

Anonymous said...

I tweeted:

hbbs55 said...

My morning routine is not so bad. the night before I make lunches and get the school bags in order. In the morning it is just wake up make breakfast and ship them out the door!

hbbs55 said...

My morning routine is not so bad. the night before I make lunches and get the school bags in order. In the morning it is just wake up make breakfast and ship them out the door!

pierce said...

We try to assign times for everyone taking a shower so there's no holdup and prepare everything the night before for the most part. If we know we're going to be busy we prepare for two days

pierce said...

Tweeted here

Secret Burkheiser said...

I am a WAHM, so I wake up and get coffee brewing so it is ready when my husband gets up. I take my ADD meds, so I can function:) I let my Great Dane and Airedale Terrier in the backyard and make sure they have food and water. I come back inside and I drink some coffee, start my embroidery machine and check my email. I then wake my daughter up at 8:30 or 9:00 and we eat breakfast together.

gayle said...

I live in the Arizona desert where it's important to stay hydrated at all times - starting in the morning every day when I walk my dog at 6 am and have my first cup of coffee and juice.I speed dial my 92-year-old mother before heading off to my first meeting. It helps to have my brief case pre-loaded for the day, next to my car keys and to-do list - waiting by the door. I keep water and juice paks in my car and near my computer throughout the day to keep me energized. Sure works for me!

Anonymous said...

I always keep frozen fruit at hand because my daughter refuses to consume solid food in the morning so we make smoothies! Sometimes I'll even make them the night before and freeze them if I know we'll be rushed and pop them back in the blender first thing after I wake up and by the time were ready for breakfast, they've defrosted and I can re-blend them

Anonymous said...

haha I forgot to leave my name:

"I always keep frozen fruit at hand because my daughter refuses to consume solid food in the morning so we make smoothies! Sometimes I'll even make them the night before and freeze them if I know we'll be rushed and pop them back in the blender first thing after I wake up and by the time were ready for breakfast, they've defrosted and I can re-blend them"


jgos said...

My day starts with a 2 mile walk, if I don't do it then, I find too many excuses/distractions throughout the day to get this done. When I get back, I eat breakfast while catching up on my emails.

Anonymous said...

take a shower then breakfast

Peggy said...

Make sure you have everything ready the night before,arm your with plenty of coffee and it should go smoothly,maybe. Waking up and getting four kids ready is interesting and never a dull moment.
Thanks goodness for cereal,fruit and Capri Sun!

Peggy said...


Scrapjackie said...

The key to our morning is consistency! We have to give our son time to wake up and his morning glass of milk! I am sure he would love Sunny D in the am! Thanks!

scrapjackie at yahoo dot com

Jennifer said...

The most important thing is to stick to a routine. Consistent timing with going to bed and getting up, regardless of the day, is key. Thank you!

Unknown said...

to help our morning routine...I have set up alarms to keep us on track. We have one that is a 10 min warning...If you haven't finshed breakfast, taken vitamins or brushed your teeth...that's the time to do it!!

reeseG said...

My mornings are usually organized chaos . someone (me) usually hits the snooze button one too many times but I make sure the little ones have been washed and everything gets set out the night before . fromreesewluv(at)yahoo(dot)com

Couture Lady said...

My morning routine consists of getting up around 6:30, doing all my bathroom stuff like showering, doing my hair and makeup, getting dressed for work, then eating breakfast, making my lunch for work and I am out the door at 7:30-8.

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

Morning Routine for school: Get the little ones up, changed and ready for the baby sitters.
Get the teens up, tell them where breakfast is located (they forget how to function :) ) and call them when I am at work to make sure they understood English. Heh...

Morning Routine for Summer: Get the little ones up, changed and ready for the sitters.

Make sure the teens are up by noon.

Amanda said...

My kid is little, but my morning routine is to have my husband wake up and I sleep in. Ha ha.

Krsitne said...

First I get up and check my emails and watch the news. Then I get my son up and let him watch soom toons. While he is watching tv I get myself ready. Then I get him dressed and eating. While he is doing that I make his lunch and then we head out the door.

AudreyO said...

My kids are grown now, but when they were young, I'd make pancakes and waffles and then freeze them. Just a quick pop them in the toaster and the kids had breakfast or even an after school snack. Lunches were almost always made the night before. Mornings were to get dressed and get to school.

yadgirl said...

I get up, make coffee and check my e-mail while I'm eating breakfast.

Melissa said...

I have 3 children under the age of 4 years old and I have learned that if I need to get out the door in the morning, organization is key! I try to have their clothes laid out and diaper bag packed the night before. It also helps the 3 and 4 year olds to get going if I make a game out of getting ready!

Saoder said...

No children. But when I wake up I have to get some nergetic music on to get me going

bfox74 said...

I just roll out of bed, jump in the shower & run out the door - nothing gets done in the morning!

Lori A. said...

For me the key to good morning's is I get up before the kids! I spend a few minutes waking up, get myself ready and then I'm totally able to focus on the kids and making sure they're ready to go.

Crissa Pollmann Robertson said...

My morning routine includes hitting the snooze button about 4 times, showering, eatting breakfast, making lunch to take to work with me, and heading to work. Exciting isn't it!?

Anonymous said...

Our morning routine is pretty down pat after all these years. I'm up first and put the news and coffee on and then after a shower my husband is in charge of bed making and such things while I make breakfast.

We usually all get out the door at the same time.


Nancy @ Live love laugh said...

When my kids were all in school, it made things easier to lay everything out the night before. Of course that did not always happen! I also thought that I should make lunch the night before, but that nevr happened! I liked having Capri Suns to pop into the lunch bags...and these new, enriched Capris look great!

Unknown said...

Mornings during the school year are pretty hectic for us. We have four children, attending three different schools. So, that means three different schedules. My daughter gets up, usually on her own, without any difficulty. My boys, however, all tend to be big sleepy-heads. I usually try to wake them up slowly, letting them turn the tv on for a few minutes while they get dressed. After they are finished getting ready, they usually sit down for breakfast and then it's out to wait for the bus.

Mahayla's Mommy said...

I work the night shift so my morning routine is backwards anyway. However, I get my daughters clothes, supplies and etc ready the day before so Daddy doesn't have to think so hard in the morning.

Anna C said...

So far I just get up early and since my oldest is only 17mo she's pretty easy to get up. I try to set out clothes and even my lunch the night before. I have no idea what I'll do when she gets older and doesn't want to get out of bed.
acs0427 (at) yahoo (dot) com

kbruson said...

My morning routine is to set my alarm clock fifteen minutes after my son's alarm clock goes off. By this time, it allows him enough to to slowly roll out of bed and get up or to hit the snooze button. Sometimes he falls back to sleep and that's when my alarm clock is the "must get up now deadline" Either way...he is going to school LOL

Amanda S. said...

I don't let my kids watch tv until they're dressed and have eaten breakfast. Otherwise, if they eat breakfast while watching tv, it takes ten times as long, lol!

amandasandico at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I usually lay out thier clothes at night for the next day. That way I'm not sending them out the door with one red sock and one white.
thanks for the contest.

PsychMamma said...

My main rule for mornings: DON'T WAKE UP THE TOT!! Oh my, sweet fancy Moses, she is one grumpy girl when you wake her up. Thank goodness my SAHM status lets us (usually) set our own schedule. After she wakes, she goes potty, we brush our teeth, she helps choose her clothes and dresses herself, and we head downstairs for "breakfast" (she gets hooked to a feeding pump via g-tube and I have my coffee and eat). The day is usually a non-stop whirlwind after that. Thanks for the chance to enter such a fabulous contest!

Sylvia said...

Have a great routine. I get a drink and read the paper while my husband fixes breakfast. Am I spoiled

Deb Anderson said...

I prepare the coffee pot for my morning coffee before going to bed at night. It's got a timer that activates, so the coffee is ready when I am! It saves sooooo much time and trouble in the morning, and I really kick myself in the pants when I forget to do it. :)

Deb Anderson said...

I tweeted here

Deb Anderson said...

I added the link to my blog here

janetfaye said...

My children are grown so my morning routine is simple. I like to have a hot cup of tea when I get up and then I eat breakfast, usually cereal and get ready for the day.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...


janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...


janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Harley Dee said...

No kids here, but I do have my own morning routine on days that my husband is at work. As soon as I get up, I start to coffee. Then I have to feed the cats and fish while the coffee is brewing. I pop a bagel in the toaster, and by that time my coffee is done. I get it fixed, then smear some cream cheese (blueberry please!)on my bagel. Then I get to sit at my computer and read all of my subscribed blog posts for the day while I have my breakfast!

Harley Dee said...

I Twittered!

Donna said...

Thankfully, my daughter is old now and gets herself up and ready. But when she was younger, she took her lunch to school and I always made sure there was something healthy and convenient for her to take. She is a fruit and fresh veggie lover so I always kept both for her lunch to go along with her sandwich or soup.

gr8pcrush said...

As long as we make lunches and lay out clothes the night before everything goes pretty smoothly. I am up and working from home by 6 then wake up the kids, feed them breakfast and everyone out the door by 7:30. said...

dosn't this make u thirsty fot a drinlk.

Unknown said...

I am a mother of five small daughters and 3 now 4 are in school and our mornings are usually a panic session.First I wake up the oldest two have them take showers,then get the other two in while making breakfast. Once everyone is dressed and start eating, I go around brushing and blow drying hair, We get shoes, back packs, coats and kiss them on the way out the door. As easy as this sounds its usually cut short down to the last minute and catching the bus on the way back. This is actually a good morning.

I follow your blog.


Jilly said...

I get up and get going and then I sing to my baby to tell her time to rise...she hates it!!! hahaha she will be 13 in august!! : )

Shooting Stars Mag said...

I do not have kids, but in my family...well, mornings really aren't too bad. I'm usually the first to get up during school and I have to wake up my mom for her to get ready for work and I get ready around her so I can get to class. It's a bit hectic if a lot of us are trying to get ready at the same time, but normally our times are different and that's the only thing that helps.

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Tuesday Girl said...

I have an easy morning routine because my kids are roosters and are up and happy before I am!

I do put the kid's clothes out the night before to help.

tuesdayef (at) aol dot com

Nancy said...

We choose and set out clothes the night before. We also make lunches the night before and refrigerate. We keep bags and backpacks, etc by the front door so it's easy to just grab and go!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

My kids are older and pretty independent now, but we definitely had a morning routine when they were little. My morning routine actually started on the weekends - I would put a weeks worth of outfits in ziploc gallon bags - and labeled them by the days. My kids knew what they were supposed to wear each day, and it saved me from having to search for socks, and other items first thing in the morning. It really took away the morning stress too. But before they got dressed, we always had a healthy breakfast!

mandjregan at gmail dot com

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

I tweeted about your giveaway!

mandjregan at gmail dot com

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

I blogged about your wonderful giveaway!

mandjregan at gmail dot com

Melinda said...

morning routine---get up, shower, get dressed and out the door

Artistic Cook said...

Morning Routine:
To get kids up in the morning I open the blinds and bring them a glass of orange juice to help wake them up.
Our routine never goes quite as planned, but we try

artisticbaker at gmail dot com

Artistic Cook said...

blogged about this giveaway

Christy Lee said...

We get things laid out and ready the night before. That's my only good time-saver!


{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said...

School is more hectic but my DH helps out. My DH wakes up my daughter in the AM so she can get dressed & brushed her teeth. Sometimes she just sits in her closet! She's not a morning person!! Get the 2 little ones out & downstairs. Usually I have to remind her several times to grab her socks before coming downstairs. Eat breakfast. Remind big sis to get ready for the bus b/c she's watching tv. I'm busy trying to feed the baby & little bro. We've missed the school bus twice last yr. A lot of reminders for big sis even though she knows what she needs to do. I'm hopeful she will manage more on her on next yr.

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said...


{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said...

blog about it,

The Moms said...

My day always starts with my daughter waking me up. She is an early bird, at age 4 she gets up on her own and turns on the TV and "wakes up". I get up, make her breakfast, help her get dressed and fix her hair, then daddy gets up and takes her to school. My final part of the morning is eating my breakfast and checking my emails while watching Will & Grace then I get to house work and work on Mom's Most Wanted!!
-Claire from Mom's Most Wanted

Whitney said...

Unfortunately, mornings are not my cup of tea so I’ve found that preparation is the key. I try to get as much ready the night before and be organized for the next day. While it’s not perfect, it helps to make things slightly less hectic.

Whitney said...

I tweeted here:

Anonymous said...

I use to allow myself just enough time to get dressed, have a quick breakfast, apply make up and leave. But now, I find I need a more relaxed pace in the mornings. Adding 30 minutes to the above, I can leisurely have my breakfast as I go through my email and watch GMA.

Ed said...

Wake up, get dressed, and go

bluedragon51 said...

My kids are all grown but when they were young, we always tried to do as much as possible the night before

Callie said...

Bribing them with breakfast is key! Or tricking them. Just about everyone loves the smell of bacon frying in the morning, right? Well you can be extra sneaky and just heat up some leftover bacon grease (cleverly saved in the fridge for just such an occasion). The same intoxicating aroma fills the house, the kids awake and then you can give them something slightly healthier to eat. Does this make me evil? They fall for it EVERY time, haha

amanda said...

I have to check my email and BBC news page before I do anything else (aside from brush my teeth). Otherwise I'm off for the rest of the day!

oheeyore at hotmail dot com

Egare1 said...

Our morning routine means hubby waking up half an hour before I get up. He starts the coffee pot and gets everything sorted, then keeps the rest of the family on track.

If he's ever ill, the house grinds to a halt!

Just Me said...

my husbands tip for waking people up in the morning is to poke them...he pokes me in the stomach, in the back, then he flips my hair in my face...hence the reason why i wake up grumpy.

This tactic may work on kids, but not on me haha

justacakebaker at gmail dot com

Just Me said...


Unknown said...

I get my son ready first and then I get ready.
If it looks like he might sleep in, I do my stuff first.

janetfaye said...

Our morning routine goes smooth because we plan the night before. My family lets me know what they want for breakfast and I get most of it ready the night before. I like to use the individual cereal boxes or instant oatmeal on the mornings that we are rushed. I always have my clothes picked out the night before. If I don’t plan then it becomes a mad rush.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I blogged:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

sillelin said...

My morning routine is simple: dogs wake me up to go out, I make coffee, take my meds and then wake my son.

Doty Family said...

I do a lot of prep the night before. Make lunches, set out clothes. My number one rule at my house is not T.V. until you are dressed and ready to walk out the door. Then my kids can watch TV until it's time to go to school!

Doty Family said...

blogged it at

makeetis said...

I lay school clothes out at night and get up and help my kids with getting ready and they either eat a bowl of cereal or a cereal bar and sometimes if I have 5 minutes scrambled eggs. In my area the grade school kids (all of them) get free lunches in their classrooms.

icefairy said...

Part of my morning routine is to have cold cereal and soy milk for breakfast, feed the baby and take him out for a walk. Thanks for the giveaway!

icefairy said...


Becky said...

Coffee is a must. I don't have any kids.

Becky said...

I tweeted:

resenn (at) gmail (dot) com

Lisette said...

A morning routine tip is I eat a try HARD to eat a healthy breakfast and most of the time I succeed by eating cheerios with raisins, it's REALLY good and healthy together. Other times if I'm in a hurry I'll eat one or two apples which help slow down the digestive system so I'm not so hungry throughout the day.


icefairy said...


Becky said...

I don't have kids but coffee is a must and it's good to get things ready the night before so I'm not scrambling.

Becky said...


resenn (at) gmail (dot) com

Becky said...

I blogged:

Ginny said...

We don't have a routine at all in the summer. During school, my middle school daughter gets herself up & ready all by herself. She leaves around 7:30. I get up a few minutes before 8 & put in my contacts,etc. Then I get my now 3rd grader up & ready. I make her something quick while she is trying to wake up, while she eats I do her hair. She gets dressed, brushes teeth & flies out the door :)

I try to have them pick out their clothes the night before & backpacks are always ready the night before. Mornings are kind of crazy here because we are not morning people, so the more prepared ahead of time the better!

Ginny said...


Ginny said...


Rebecca said...

I don't have any kids, but am always running late for work. I live just up the street and still manage to be late (and can't use traffic as an excuse!) I gave up caffeine not too long ago and am always looking for new drinks... especially for breakfast. Thanks for the giveaway!

joannaonthelake said...

I too have 3 young children and my morning routine generally starts around 4:00 am. I get up before anyone else, even our 2 dogs are still sleeping and I begin my routine with my Yoga poses. I find that when I accomplish this first thing every morning my mind and body gets prepared to handle everything else that is dished my way throughout the day, and there's usually lots that crosses my path! Once my Yoga is done I walk the dogs. By then they are awake and chomping at the bit to get outside. By the time I come in from that, I have gotten my exercise in for the day and I feel energized and grounded and truly confident. The kids start to get up around 6:30 am, give or take. The are pretty good morning people, they don't give me any trouble about getting up and getting their day going. I think my husband and I have been good role models in showing them that is feels good to get the day going by eating a good breakfast and physically taking care of ourselves. I always keep lots of healthy breakfasts foods in the house and lots of fresh fruit so I always give the kids a few choices of what they can have for breakfast. They usually let me decide in the end. Once breakfast is over with, and the kids are not pokey at all, we wash up and get them dressed. We always decide the night before what they are going to wear, it is kind of a ritual that we go through before they go to bed, it also gives me a chance to make sure the clothes are ironed and clean, no surprised to worry about in the morning. So once the kids are fed, washed, dressed, my husband drives them to school and I am home with our baby who is 8 months old. I find that the way to keep the mornings peaceful in our home is the stick to a set routine, get the kids used to what they need to do but that also means my husband and I sticking to what we need to do as well. Thanks so much for the chance to enter.

joannaonthelake said...

I Twittered

joannaonthelake said...

I Blogged about this giveaway on my blog:

Mandy said...

I'm a bad girl.. I don't really have a morning routine. I wake up around 5 minutes before I have to go and then rush through breakfast and teeth brushing

Mandy said...


Mandy said...


Diane said...

I shower at night and lay my clothes out the night before. I also plan what im taking for lunch the night before.

Diane said...

Ravzie said...

I do everything I can the night before. I lay out the clothes, fix lunches, change the dog's water, set everything out at the ready. It really helps me whiz through everything in the am. No hunting for things saves a lot of time.

Julieh said...

I try to make my morning routine as easy as possible. I lay out clothes the night before and pack lunches. In the morning, I take the dog for a walk, take a hot shower, get everyone out the door, and grab a cup of coffee and head to work!

Joanna (joanna.price(at)live(dot)com) said...

I am a SAHM of a 6 month old, so our mornings are pretty tame. I make sure to start out with a coffee though, otherwise I'm pretty unproductive!

Joanna (joanna.price(at)live(dot)com) said...


Joanna (joanna.price(at)live(dot)com) said...


Maualei said...

I have the most irritating alarm clock that I leave well out of reach. Gets them out of bed.

dawns41 said...

My routine is easy: I put on coffee, then the tv to watch the weather and then I read my email.

Linda said...

My mornings consist of getting cleaned up, breakfast and off with the day!

kygirl said...

Every morning it seems is in a rush. I try to make things easier on me by getting as much done the night before as possible, like fixin lunches nad laying out clothes.

Unknown said...

Normally my dog gets me up. If not, the alarm does.

Anonymous said...

I don't have kids yet. My morning routine is getting up, putting on the coffee while I get in the shower, getting out and enjoying coffee and breakfast while reading the news section of the internet, doing my hair and makeup and then I'm on the go. Thanks for the giveaway!

luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com

Beth said...

I have breakfast ready before our girls come downstairs. So they will have it sitting there and we don't have to try to get it all ready with them under foot.

karmakaytlyn said...

To make breakfast easier in the mornings, I soak my breakfast grains such as oatmeal overnight in my crockpot. In the morning I can ad a little water or wilk, turn it on low and by the time everyone else is up the morning porridge is ready to be eaten with some mixed in fruit and honey!
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win from

karmakaytlyn said...

To make breakfast easier in the mornings, I soak my breakfast grains such as oatmeal overnight in my crockpot. In the morning I can ad a little water or wilk, turn it on low and by the time everyone else is up the morning porridge is ready to be eaten with some mixed in fruit and honey!
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win from

Kris said...

My kids are early risers and come get me in the mornings. We then eat breakfast, usually oatmeal or cereal. Then off to brush teeth, get dressed and make beds. This is usually done by 8:00 so we have about a half an hour for reading before school. Even though they are still young 4 & 6, we have pretty calm mornings most days.

Audrey said...

When I get up in the morning I have to feed my two little dogs first, then put on a pot of coffee. Then wait my turn to get into one of the bathroom because I have two teenage daughters, LOL! Thankyou for the contest! :)

Sheila P said...

I get up, get my daughter up,give her her medicine and vitamins, feed her breakfast, have her brush her teeth, have her get dressed, fix her hair, get her backpack and jacket.

Rose said...

Picking out clothes the night before is a must do for a smooth running morning. Also, cooking a breakfast filled with mouth savory aroma is the only way I can get the little ones out of bed, cinnamon rolls, bacon, maple syrup, anything that stimulates there senses, gets them out of bed much easier!

Shellie @Military_Mom said...

Plan the night before, or create a "menu" list on a clip board so the kids have a limited selection for breakfast. Have them pick before bedtime so you know what to fix and hit the ground running.


Mary said...

I have 2 children (with a 3rd on the way next month) and one of my morning routines is to prepare breakfast while they're still asleep. Once they get up, breakfast is ready and they can get their energy up right away.

mfalcon13 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My morning routine starts with my furry kids (cats) being fed. I don't have children, but they are almost as demanding. I then feed the birds, fish and off to work I go!


Punked Mom said...

I have everything prepared the night before. Clothes, shoes, backpacks - dishes on the table - Organization makes it so much easier. Now if I could organize the rest of my day!

Anonymous said...

No kids in the house anymore, but since I get up at 5:30 to go to work I still have a routine. I check emails while I have coffee, feed the cats, pack my lunch and then head off to work.
pantherpaw327 at yahoo dot com

bigfatqueenofeverything said...

I stumble to the coffee maker and get it going. Then I listen to my foster daughter and my grandson getting breakfast. I have them trained not to talk to me until I get coffee.

Al said...

pack everything the night before so that in the morning I can get up, get dressed and go!

momznite said...

We pack backpacks, make lunches, lay out clothing, etc the night before to make getting ready in the morning easier.

pattycake said...

We orgainize things the night before--clothes, homework, etc, so things can be found easily

Aisling said...

My kids are grown now, but I was fortunate to be a SAHM when they were younger. We tried to be organized, like picking out clothes the night before and having a plan for the morning's breakfast. Everyone had their own "special" alarm clock and they were set for slightly different times based on which kid took the longest to get going in the morning.

Amber said...

My morning routine is actually pretty relaxed. My kids are all early birds. They willingly wake up at 6am. We have breakfast. My oldest son showers and then heads to school.

lifekillsrebels said...

My routine tip is to remember to do things the same time everyday. When I was growing up, my grandmother woke me up the same time (5:00AM) every morning and had breakfast waiting for me. Because of this, I had no trouble getting up when I had to. My body was ready to go at 5AM sharp.

Anonymous said...

No kids here, but my morning tips are simple: Have everything you'll need ready the night before, don't stress with elaborate breakfasts, and know what you're going to wear before you even get out of bed. Simple, right?

Anonymous said...

I blogged here.

Ashley said...

I get up and have a little quiet time to myself.. whether its a shower and then a cup of coffee or just reading the paper before I wake everyone else up. It's nice to have a little quiet time to start my day!

Great giveaway!

Alice said...

i have to have a cup of coffee before the kids get up. after that it's pretty easy :0)

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