Wednesday, April 29, 2009

*contest now closed!!* Capri Sun $250 Visa Gift Card Giveaway!!

*This is a compensated review from BlogHer and Capri-Sun.*

Having 3 kids makes life a tad bit crazy. When my school-aged kids wake up in the morning, chaos ensues. Breakfast needs to be made, lunches made, the toddler's needs are screamed out at me and Hubby gets to shuttle everyone off in the right direction.

Luckily my oldest lives by her alarm clock, but my sluggish second child needs a bit more incentive. What helps keep our rountine in line is the menus for the day. Breakfast food set and ready, lunch prep made simple and easy. We look for brands we can trust at the grocery store. Brands that offer nutrition as well as convenient packaging are always tossed in the cart.

Long gone are the days where we have time to fill a thermos and toss that bulky thing into a lunch bag. My kids are Capri Sun drinkers. The pouch is the right amount of juice so satisfy their thirst, and the price for a box of 10 is unbeatable at any store! The pouches are perfect for their lunch pails and Capri Sun is a name our family can trust.

Capri Sun Sunrise is the new, wholesome morning drink for kids chock full of Vitamin C and calcium.
- A good source of calcium
- 100% Daily Value Vitamin C
- The pouch kids love

There are 3 new flavors of Capri Sun Sunrise, Berry Tangerine Morning, Tropical Morning, and Orange Wake Up. My 3 children loved the Orange Wake Up best, while I enjoyed the taste of Berry Tangerine Morning.

Thanks to BlogHer and Capri-Sun Sunrise you can enter to win a $250 Visa Gift Card!!

To Enter:
Leave me a comment below and share YOUR morning routine tips, if you have kids, how do you get them up and ready to go (especially on a school day)? This comment is a must, and without it, any and all entries will be deleted.

Rules/Extra Entries:
*No duplicate comments, one per person/household/email address
*You may receive one additional entry for Twittering and leaving a link in the comments
*You may receive one additional entry by blogging about this contest and leaving a link in the comments.

*official contest dates: 4/29/09-7/8/09

*This giveaway is open to US residents, over the age of 18.
*You must leave an email for contact purposes!
*Winners will be selected via random draw, and will notified by e-mail on July 8, 2009.
*You have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
BlogHer Reviewer
Visit the Contest/Review Roundup Page to enter again at various participating blogs!!


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Jennifer said...

My morning routine is manic. I get up about 5:30, get dressed, get my oldest up and get her dressed, then get the baby up and get him dressed, and then run out the door hoping and praying I'm not forgetting anything and race to drop him off at school and then race to work. I need to be more organized.

Jennifer said...

I tweeted (@jwilliams057).

Laura Marchant said...

Our morning routine is breakfast and juice followed by getting dressed for the day. If it is a preschool day we run around like made trying to get everything done nad out the door. If it is a non-preschool day we might get dressed by 11, lol!

Jill said...

I usually wake up first. I spend a few minutes checking my emails and watching the news and then by that time one or two of the kiddos are awake. I take a shower while they watch some cartoons and then we wake up the third sleepyhead and head down to breakfast. We have breakfast, I make lunches and then I walk the kids to school.

♥Lisa♥ @ FinalScore:Boys3Girls2 said...

Most days dh gets the kids up for school, but I always make sure I have their clothes set out the night before. Dh get's their breakfast ready and off they go to school. When the non-school kids get up they like breakfast first and then getting dressed. For the *most* part it goes pretty smooth ;)

Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels said...

We have a pretty good morning routine now. As long as Sarah goes to bed at 8pm, she is rested enough in the morning and no longer gives me grief. I wake her up between 6.30 and 6.45, make her breakfast, prepare her clothes, and after she gets dressed she goes to wash her face, comb her hair and brush her teeth, while I prepare her school snacks. Things I still have to keep an eye on: that she doesn't read during breakfast (or she'll be late), that she doesn't get distracted while getting dressed (or she'll be late), that she doesn't go out without at least a barrette in her hair (which won't make her late, but it *will* make her look like Madam Mim fairly quickly, 'cause she has lots of hair like her mom!)

Outlet Babe! said...

I'm pretty lucky my son is an early riser. I still have a routine though on school days. He gets up, brushes his teeth and eats breakfast. Then he allowed to watch some tv until it is time to get dressed for school. Overall, I don't have too many issues in the morning. Lucky me!

April said...

my morning routine is fantastic because my husband is kind enough to get up with the kids!!! by the time i get up (between 730-8am) the kids are already fed and watered. at that time i usually get them dressed and we play or run errands for a few hours before nap time.

April said...

i twittered the contest:

judybrittle said...

Our morning routine is pretty easy. I wake up first. Then I get my grandson up for school and he gets ready and then while he's eating his breakfast I get my granddaughter up to get ready and then she has her breakfast. It goes smoother that way if they get up at different times and it does cut down on the arguing. I just need to get after my grandson to spend more than 3 seconds brushing his teeth. Once they leave for the day I just breathe a sigh of relief and say I DID IT!

judybrittle said...

I tweeted

queenv555 said...

My morning routine varies as to which of our dogs I wake up next to. If it is Bonney Blue, we do a little good morning kiss and then I let her outside. If it is Daisy Clover, she always needs a tummy rub first. They come inside and have their treats and that is our morning in a nutshell.

rbailey1958 said...

My morning routine is Coffee first.
Our 4 Grandkids & daughter live with us. I help her get three of them up and ready 4 school. 1 is in 2nd grade, 1 in Kindergarten & 1 in preschool. It isn't easy especially since it is getting closer to the end of the school year, and they R tired of school and can't wait 4 there summer vacation 2 start. But us adults can! LoL

Lisa said...

My morning routine isn't as hectic as some of the moms here. Since my older kids are 10 & 12, they're pretty self-sufficient. I do need my coffee though. Without that, it's crazy mommy alert. lol.

The last few minutes before bus pickup can get a little hectic b/c they want to change their shoes or get another snack for lunch, etc.....the list can go on.

Lisa said...

I tweeted about the giveaway.


Alison said...

I always eat breakfast! That's the most important part of my morning routine :)

alison_luby at hotmail dot com

Emily @ Busy Mommy said...

My husband and I trade days getting up early with Colton, usually around 6:45. We have different schedules every day of the week, so one of us can at least sleep in a little. This gives the other parent a break from the morning routine. A trick I learned is to get Colton all ready in the morning, have him sit down for breakfast and then I can get some other things done like prepping dinner, quick clean up, or even some homework!

Anonymous said...

quite dull - up at 5:50, brush teeth, shower, prep lunch, protein shake, pet kitty, arrive at work between 6:50 and 7:05.
timgus at cox dot net

Unknown said...

My morning routine is a lot more laid back now. At 6:30, my alarm goes off and I make sure that my 8th grader is awake and getting ready. At 7:00, I wake everyone else up so that we can read scriptures together before the day starts. 7:15, my oldest goes to school, and then the other kids have until 8:15 to eat breakfast and get dressed. We do all other prep the night before. Sometime after all of the school kids leave I take my own shower!

Unknown said...

I tweeted:

Kris said...

To make our morning routines easier, it's all about starting the night before. Clothes out to wear, shoes found, homework finished, etc. I find our mornings to be MUCH easier when we do this!

Fangirl Jen said...

I don't have kids, but I do have to get my husband up and out the door. I get up and "shower, shampoo, and shine" and then make sure he is up. After I am dressed for work, I go downstairs and pack our lunches for the day and feed the pets. I will often fix him some breakfast too. Then, I am off to my office.

Christie said...

Ohh, mornings are crazy! I don't have kids so I don't know about that, but my morning routine goes something like:
wake up,
do hair/makeup/ get dressed, which includes trying to find an outfit!
breakfast(if I get to it)
get everything I need for the day
and finally leave.

Sounds simpler like that but it sure isn't! Thanks so much for the giveaway! I would be sooooo excited to win!

xoxojadore at yahoo dot com

Erica C. said...

we always eat breakfast, even if it's something just gets us moving in the morning

gabbricha said...

Our morning routine is pretty easy. 14yo gets herself up and ready. 6yo we get clothes, snack, backpack, etc ready the night before. In the morning he gets up, gets dressed, eats, brushes teeth and is ready to go. The only time we have a problem is when he has to "go" when the bus is nearly here lol.

Anonymous said...

it starts by getting up and then i make breakfast, after that i pick up what ever cups were left out before dinner and wash up and then we play till about 10:30 when its snack time and then they get dressed for the day.

Anonymous said...

My morning routine is quick and simple. I wake up home alone with my dog, start my small pot of coffee, brush my teeth, wash my face, and sit down at my computer to start the day :) (I have Capri Sun Sunrise Orange Wake Up in my fridge and it is GOOD!) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I Tweeted the giveaway :

Anonymous said...

I blogged about the giveaway :

bunnie3788 said...

I try to let the kids wake them selfs up. They do a great job. we do fix them some brakfast, and then they want to get their own too. We try to have them do chores and make them self lunch. Great kids and love them all. we have a busy life and always on the go.

Unknown said...

I like to get my kids waking up with music. Usually something fun and upbeat, or something insanely silly like Veggie Tales Silly SOngs...which is hysterical because they are 10 and 13. The music usually gets us all up and bouncing, which helps get energy going in the mornings. The rest of the morning is a breeze with the right attitudes in place.

mar said...

My children are all grown adults. My morning routine consists of starting off the day by running on my treadmill. This gives me energy for the day ahead!

Michelle said...

My morning routine is pretty chaotic with three kids. My youngest is the slowest moving child on the planet and almost always makes us late no matter how much encouragement/reminders I give her. We try to do showers at night so mornings usually consist of getting dressed, brushing hair and teeth, and eating breakfast. Sounds easy enough!

Amber said...

The kids always shower at night to shorten the morning routine. And I tell them to pick out their clothes ahead of time too, so that mornings don't have my kids yelling at me about certain tees or jeans that are in the wash.
Thanks for the giveaway :)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

My routine is really a lack of routine. It depends on which kid is up first if any. If neither of them are awake, I wake the oldest and get her ready, then nurse the youngest and get her ready!

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

My Daughter is grown but my oldest Grandson stays with me quite a bit and our mornings begin with me getting up an hour before I wake him so that my joints have time to start moving. I wake him up and he barely moved but I get his shower started and go back to get him up for his shower. He gets in and I drink a bit more coffee as we got his clothes ready the night before. After his shower I pick up the bathroom and straighten up. And begin waking him up again as he will fall back to sleep after his shower. I gripe at him to get dressed so that I can comb his hair. He doesn't eat breakfast and buys lunch at school so once he leaves my morning rush is over.

Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

I have just one four year old and our mornings are chaotic when it comes to getting out the door for preschool twice a week and to dance class or physical therapy (for me). First step EVERY day? My FABULOUS hubby brings me a cup of coffee before I even get out of bed! The days I know will be crazy (I am not the faster AM mover nor is my little one), I tend to shower at night. I am lucky to have the kind of hair that doesn't take much fixing after sleeping - a little combing, some hairspray, a little makeup, clothes, and I'm good. I help the little one get dressed, then turn on Noggin while I cook her eggs for breakfast. I've learned that if I give myself a deadline of leaving the house by 15 minutes earlier than we need to, we can pretty much be on time without a lot of stress. Psychological game, yes, but it does tend to help! Trying to get myself ready and out of the way first so all I have to do is focus on her is usually my best bet.

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

I would say half of our mornings need a little help around here. The other half go just fine, as long as mommy has some coffee first. A two and a four year old are not the most cooperative bunch. Dad usually leaves way before we even think about getting up.

What a great giveaway. So excited to enter.

John Deere Mom said...

Sorry, I had to delete my first comment. I didn't read directions very well! I gradually wake my kids up at 10 minute intervals, starting early enough so we aren't late. I serve them their breakfast at daycare. It's our routine so it works. Once they are seated and eating at daycare, I am able to leave without any issues!

Anonymous said...

start off slow but get stuff done

Irene T. said...

My morning routine is getting my hubby ready for work, well fed and I definitely don't forget to give him vitamins! Because if not, he comes home grumpy because he is worn out. LOL!

Unknown said...

I get up super early and check my emails. and then I get my daughter up make her some breakfast. Give her a bath. Then my husband usually leaves for work. Then I play with my daughter and then put Ava down for a nap and finally get some cleaning done and some bills paid.

Rita M said...

Nothing fancy, nothing hurried, just oatmeal... 1st thing every morning. The rest of the day just seems to take care of itself!

jffryclough said...

i get up at 4:30, 5 o'clock, start my tea to start me

Carol EL said...

I'm 61 with 15 grandkids. I get up between 2 am and 4 am,drink coffee and read e-mails(350 a day on G-mail).Iread the paper on-line then start my sweeps. At 5:30 two of the grandkids are dropped off for me to babysit.In the summer I have 4 kids. The kids sleep until 8 and I do sweeps. Thats my morning.

Jessica said...

My morning routine usually consists of me frantically trying to get ready. It's crazy. I'm just one of those people who DOESN'T like to get out of bed. Just wait till I have kids...

Suann47 said...

In the morning when I get up sometimes I have breakfast other times not, depends on my mood. But I must always have my coffee. Then I check my email.

linda a said...

My morning routine: wake up around 4am, take shower, straighten up house, mess around on puter. Wake older son up at 630, when he is out of shower, wake up young one. Get him ready out the door at 830 sharp and go to work. Rinse and repeat. My kids both wake up the first time around so life is good for me.

herrinfamily said...

erything that can be done the night before is done then--helps to avoid a lot of stress.

Anonymous said...

I wake them up a little early, let them snuggle back down for a little bit, then wake them again. I make breakfast and we eat and get going. It's a lot less stressful thank expecting them to jump up and go.

agordon10 said...

we lay out their clothes the night before so they can get dressed and ready quicker.

Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

I make yummy breakfast muffins (carrot and zucchini) and freeze them. They thaw quickly and then I have a quick on the go breakfast for my daughter for those days that we don't have time to sit down and eat before we go.

Kim said...

something I do is to sing our special Good Morning song EVERY MORNING!

Kim said...

tweeted this!

anny32 said...

Gosh my son is easy in the morning. we get up at the same time everyday and go down and eat right away, get dressed brush teeth and out the door. no complaining.

Sonya Cocherell said...

I get up an hour earlier than Gracie. Otherwise, the day is just awful. She is so hard to wake up. First, we get dressed and then off to do our hair. Then we eat and brush our teeth. She is only 7, but it takes almost a full hour to get all this done. Thanks1

Unknown said...

I get myself up and dressed before waking up my daughter(so that I'm all ready before attempting to deal with the beast that is her lol). Get her up and after a struggle, get her dressed. Then we eat breakfast and off to school. Thanks.

kport207 at gmail dot com

Vicky H. said...

As a tip for waking up, I think it's great to wake up and stretch *while* you're in bed. I read in a magazine that stretching out like our pets do (all over the place while laying down) gives us more energy and is better for our bodies. It helps me a lot for those days I need to wake up earlier than usual.


Denise S. said...

I get up an hour or two ahead of the kids to have some peace. They are homeschooled, so there is no pressure to rush them.

rockymountain_brown said...

My morning routine is pretty boring.
I get up at 6:20, take a 8 minute shower, eat some yogurt or cereal, then drive 6 minutes to work.

Nichola said...

I try to get as much ready as possible the night before. Take out the school clothes, make sure all papers are signed and all correspondence for the teacher are done, get as much of the lunch packed as possible, etc.

diesel51 said...

Check email, breakfast, laundry thrown in, clean up and put laundry in dryer and take a break. Some exercise using a CD in the computer and then get laundry.

Leland's Mama said...

Our morning schedule is pretty non-existent at this point. My son is 8 months old and I am a stay at home mom, so there is no reason for us to get up and get dressed most of the time. He also has a weird schedule right now where he goes to sleep at 3 AM and wakes up at no routine here!

Brittany said...

Pancakes and OJ always get my boys going, and it's a fun experience for us to make it all together!

Anonymous said...

It is a good idea to get things ready the night before. In the am it is hard to get going. Coffee helps!
And have gas enough to get you where you are going :o)

Anonymous said...


Leland's Mama said...


Kathy said...

When I wake up I get the oldest up first so she can start getting herself ready, then I wake the baby, change diaper and grab her a bottle. I get ready myself then wake up my 3 year old last since she's the crankiest, throw a sweater on her and we're out the door! We always buy capri sun which is the easiest way for my 3 yr old to have a drink and go.

sphinx63 said...

With my daughter, who is not a morning person, it was easier to lay out her clothes the night before. This way it was one less thing to think about. Then she had a bowl of cereal, brushed her teeth and hair, and out to meet the bus.

Stephanie said...

The key to getting three kids ready for school is prep the night before. lunches made, clothes out, breakfast planned. everything in backpack ready to go!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

mverno said...

get up at 4:30am take a shower. turn the tea kettle on . get the kids cereal into bowls. wake kids . feed kids. kids take shower. get dressed. spouse get both of us coffee. drink coffee. everyone in car by 6:15 am. drop kids at school go to work .

malleycc said...

I get up early and do my exercises before the kids wake up and I pack the kids backpacks before I go to sleepp the night before.

avaperry said...

My day starts at 6 a.m. I'm the mother of 9 with only 1 minor child still at home. After shutting off the alarm I start up the laptop and turn on the morning news. After getting my son up, he jumps up when I offer my laptop for him to play games I brush my teeth wash my face, etc. I'll make my son breakfast, he'll eat while I iron his uniform for school. After getting him to his bus stop, & back home I drink my coffee and start my day!

peg42 said...

My morning routine is that I wake before my kids, at 5:30am. The night before, I get the kids clothes all together and get their backpacks ready near the door to make the mornings go easier. First thing, after I take a shower, I get the kids lunches ready and put those in thier backpacks. I start getting breakfast ready and then wake my kids. They brush their teeth, make thier beds and then eat breakfast. Get dressed and off to school they go. Our mornings are hectic. Our sons tend to be short with each other and I need to keep them from getting on each others nerves, so they each get dressed in seperate rooms.
This new Capri Sun sounds wonderful. The Orange Wake Up sounds like something my kids would love. I need to pick some up.
Thanks so much and please enter me.

Ellen85000 said...

My morning routine is pretty simple, since it's just me that I have to take care of. Just grab some oatmeal for breakfast, hit the shower, and I'm ready to face the day!

Dee said...

My son isnt in school yet and we both stay home. So nothing too crazy! I get him up, fix his juice and breakfast and we eat together. If we're going out then I get him ready(I get ready while he's still asleep)!

Thanks for the chance! :)

jw1966 said...

My daughter and I get up at the same time. We do our makeup and hair in the same bathroom. We laugh and talk about our day.Its so much fun gettin ready to go to work when we start our day together!!

Joanmurraycefalu said...

My daughter and I always talk on the long drive home everyday

Deb K said...

My kids are big now but when they were little I used to get up extra early just to have some me time..Then after about 1/2 hour I would wake the house!

Brigitte said...

The secret to avoiding morning chaos is to ALWAYS be consistent. Your life must be organized, starting with the day before. If YOU (mom) are on top of your game, your kids will be also. Bedtime is early in our home. My kids are 9 and 7, bedtime is 8, 730 on some days. They get plenty of sleep and get up on their own at 6am. School is at 9, so it is plenty of time for breakfast and chores (so they have play time later.) With enough sleep, they do great at school. I organize their clothes so they have outfits ready to grab. I have a timer set up so they know how long each task should take (shower 15 min, brush teeth 2 min.)They do so well getting ready for school each day, I have started rewarding them with a later bedtime at 9 on Tuesdays so they can watch American Idol and vote. NO TV in the morning EVER!

Michelle said...

The key for my morning is to have some time in the morning before everyone gets up. Lunches and bags packed the night before. Must stay focused, and things are usually ok!

Martha said...

Our morning routine has been greatly simplified with my retirement, and Tara now being homeschooled. We are on a "flex" schedule, and we (she) goes to bed when ready, and gets up when she is ready. She never was a "normal" breakfast eater, she would rather have had leftovers from dinner the night before than eggs, waffles, and especially cereal. We are not big juice drinkers, her preference in the morning is milk. When we do buy juice though most times it is Capri Sun, like you said you can't beat the price!

Jean said...

My first daughter wakes up by herself, and I help her make lunch/breakfast, so that she can run out the door.
The second one wakes up by her alarm clock, and does the breakfast/lunch routine by herself.

I Am Boymom said...

I usually wake the kids, then we all drag our bodies down the stairs, my boys wrapped in their blankets even though we live in the Arizona desert. We talk about the plans for the day while I fix breakfast, which is Raisin Bran or Cottage Cheese and fruit or Waffles or whatever. My little guy is picky so he usually has a glass of milk or juice while he decides if what I am making can touch his lips that day. Then they head upstairs to dress and brush teeth and wash faces while I check backpacks and throw in snacks and water for the day. Both of my guys are Capri Sun fans (lemonade and wild cherry) so the Morning Capri Sun would be just the ticket in our house!

Patrice said...

I don't have kids but my morning routine is usually set my alarm for 15 more minutes, get up, check my e-mail from my phone, wash my face, put a little bit of make up on, get dressed, and then grab a breakfast bar & go!

Anonymous said...

I'm the most fortunate wife on earth- my husband brings me a cup of coffee as soon as I wake up. After some cuddling, I fetch myself (and him) another cup and we talk over plans for the rest of the day. We're still on our honeymoon- only been married for 11 years.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a routine. I write late at night so I get up whenever.

Patrice said...

I tweeted @patrice0x0x

Anonymous said...

My kids are grown and out on their own. I get up in the mornings with my husband. I drink a diet pepsi and he drinks a coffee before he is off to work. I make sure the dogs have water and food and I feed the fish. I then surf the internet for awhile then I carry on my daily chores until my husband gets home.

Sarah said...

What time the kids get up sets the pace for the varies. Once they are up it's breakfast, getting dressed, brushed, washed and out the door :)

Mommas in the House said...

It's definitely a struggle in the morning, since I am 7 months pregnant, and my 3 year old toddler sleeps late. I literally wake up, throw on some clothes, go and get my daughter's clothes, and put it on while she is sleeping. In mid sleep, I guide my daughter to the car, and there I offer her cereal or bagels, sometimes a waffle. We do that almost everyday!

Carolyn G said...

We get up and shower and then hubby gets ready for work while I feed the cats and make breakfast. We have our coffee and eat. We watch the Today show and talk and then hubby goes to bed. I check my emails, exercise and then get on with household chores.

sweetiesteph23 said...

My husband and I don't have kids so our only challenge is forcing ourselves out of bed. We both pack our lunches the night before and eat quick breakfasts like yogurt to get out the door quicker.

Unknown said...

My tip is that I've learned to get myself ready first and not even bother with trying to wake them, that way I can fight to get them dressed without having to worry about still not being dressed. Neither me or my kids are morning people.

Emilie said...

I don't have kids, so I'm only getting myself moving in the morning which is just as well, as I'm NOT a morning person and would rather sleep until I wake up on my own. When I have to get up, my routine is to hit "snooze" too many times, jump in the shower, get dressed in the clothes I put out the night before (hopefully!)!!! I try to have breakfast ready in the fridge, too, so I can grab it on my way out...

emvark at gmail dot com

Night Owl Mama said...

Being a stay at home mom finally, I like to get these prepared the night before including getting lunch ready, clothes out for school and making sure shoes, coats and back packs are by the door and ready to go for the am. My kids love capri sun and start every morning and a snack after school with a juice pack

Anonymous said...

A tip for my morning routine is I set my bedroom alarm clock 20 min. fast. So instead of the clock showing 7 am, my clock shows 7:20am so it doesn't seem so early for me! It works for me! :-)

Danielle said...

In the morning one thing is a must- Eat a healthy breakfast! People overlook the importance of the most important meal of the day! Breakfast really gives you the fuel to face the day ahead!


we set up the night before and try to get up on time..does not always happen but we allow for sluggish time

Momto5 RachelJoy Photography said...

oh my soul

well i get up each day, dress and brush and head downstairs. I open the front door and wait for Jace's dad to drop him off. I make my self a beverage and the lil man some oatmeal...and thats the start of our day!!


Annie said...

The alarm BLARES at 5:15. Honey and I get up, he heads for the shower I head for the kitchen. He's out the door by 6:30 and depending if I'm working or not I either kill an hour reading blogs or I get ready for work. Girl is up with her alarm at 8:00 and drags through the morning always asking, "What's for breakfast?" She's would think she knew where the kitchen is by now...

js22 said...

no kids, so my routine is simple. I have a programmable coffeemaker set up to brew coffee for when I should get up. Easier to get up in the morning when there's fresh coffee brewing.

Thanks for the giveaway!

email in blogger profile.

My Heart Blogged said...

I like to slowly wake up. I usually allow myself a few minutes of waking up before rushing to do everything. I usually lay everything out the night before and have anything I can have done the night before done. I try to stay as organized as possible.

My Heart Blogged said...

I twittered

jill jill bo bill said...

AFTER hitting the snooze button three times, I drag myself out of bed and stand at the foot of the stairs and call my kids. If I have to climb the dang things, they get cereal. If they pop up, I make them a nutritous breakfast. Just joking. But I really DO hate climbing the stairs early in the morning. Anyone know how much an elevator is?

Mommy 2 Bears said...

I'm a SAHM but we still have a morning routine. I wake the toddlers up at 8 by turning on their light and walking away. While they ease out of bed I make the breakfast and the make their way to the table. After breakfast it's a mad dash into clothes, I grab the essentials for the day and out the door we go. We go to the gym everyday first and then go run errands. I can't say I have it easy but it sure is enjoyable.

J'Ollie Primitives said...

Coffee. Cook the books er ~ do the daily accounting. More coffee. List of things to do for the day. Promise to make breakfast. Soon. Do things on daily list. Swear I'll make dinner to make up for not cooking breakfast.

CaseyDeuce said...

I wish I had a more "normal" morning routine, but all that goes on over here is I wake up and then make the hub deal with the kids for an hour before work so I can get just a teeny bit more sleep. He goes to bed early and I go to bed later and he wakes up and deals with them and brews up the coffee! After that its lots of coffee, breakfast and then playing!!

Unknown said...

I pick all the clothes for the children and iron them the night before.

Anonymous said...

We homeschool so are morning is never rushed. We get up have breakfast and then we begin school. I sure could use the 250 for school stuff this year. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Holy CRAP! Open until JULY?!?

Hey, I'll take it, whenever its awarded to me. {snork!}

Our routine is pretty, um, well, we have no routine. My kids, at 4 & 2 don't have anywhere to go in the morning yet. Its pretty much get up, potty, TV on PBS, breakfast. I'm really *NOT* looking forward to the school days!

Unknown said...

My morning routine tips? Give yourself plenty of time! I love to be able to take things slow in the morning and relax a bit before I have to head out the door. It's a good way to start the day.

Anonymous said...

When I'm trying to get my son going on the days I take him to his sitter, I tell him that he gets to go in Daddy's car. That perks him up. Then I ask him what color Spiderman vitamin he wants and he is ready to charge downstairs!

Over Coffee - the green edition said...

I have them lay their clothes out the night before, I had lunches premade the night before, and we have a pretty set routine when it comes to time. When the clock hits 7 I am out the door, with or without them ;-) the threat of leaving without them usually does the trick! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Scrambled eggs and juice. Some coffee for me and fruit for the kids.

bendari said...

I eat a good breakfast.

debiwelbon said...

I make some cereal and coffee and check emails before the hectic day begins

Unknown said...

Capri sun gets us going daily.

Jacaclawless said...

I try to get up earlier than everyone and read my bible and pray for 15 to 30 minutes. And then the madness of the day begins! My wife gets up next and gets breakfast ready and then we go get the youngest two up (ages 6 and 8) - they usually only take one try - after about 3 more warnings, the oldest gets up (age 11) and everyone eats, packs, brushes teeth, showers and, of course FIGHTS OVER VERY DUMB THINGS!

clc408 said...

Well, the kids are grown now, but back in the day I would get up, shower and dress, pack lunches, wake kids and make sure they were showered and dressed and had breakfast. Then I'd make sure they got to the bus stop on time before I left for work. I get tired just thinking about it now.

Wilson Wonders said...

When I can't get my kids out of bed I sing at the top of lungs (badly) until they get up. I was raised by my dad and he used to recite his own (bad) poetry loudly until we would get up. It worked then and it works now.

Anonymous said...

Luckily I work from home, but toddlers thrive on routine (and who wants a crabby toddler??). My infant wakes me up at 5:15 on the dot every morning, I feed him, shower and then wake Mr. Toddler up around 7:30 - 8:00. If he doesn't want to get up, we have a tickle fight. That works well. :)

And then, of course, he gets to choose from a couple of things for breakfast!

Kristen Andrews said...

well usually I get up and have some coffee and check email and once Will is up he gets his morning drink, chocolate milk. I would rather he have a Capri Sun. Awesome contest, Will loves Capri Suns and I love their ads "Respect the pouch, respect it"

jellosheriff said...

My routine is that my husband gets the kids up and dressed and fed before he leaves for work since he leaves before I do. I get to take my time and see them off. My tip is- take all the help you can get!

Shelly Leatham said...

My morning routine is much easier now, because we plan out the night before, everything we need. I make my daughter's breakfast while she is getting her face washed, gets dressed and does her hair. While she eats, I pack her lunch, and then she brushes her teeth and we're out the door!


Shelly Leatham said...

I tweeted

Mike Karr said...

We wake up at 6 or 7, school starts at 8:45 for my son. Daughter is not yet in school. I give them both a dry bowl of cereal and a cup of milk and they munch on that while watching 30 min of cartoons while I get cleaned up. Then we get them dressed and off we go.

brandy said...

my morning routine is a mess. get up at 6, clean up from last night(toys and such), while kids watch cartoons. 7 make breakfast and hubbys lunch, then chase kids around, get dressed, baths, etc. i have no routine
bwalleshauser at yahoo dot com

Landon, Kathrine & Greyson said...

Even though I am NOT a routine person by any means, I am trying since I have a child now, plus another on the way! I need to get it down soon! Right now, Greyson, our son, wakes us up and we all play in the bed together for awhile and then we eat breakfast together, then we'll let him play again! By this time, the dogs join in :)

Suburban prep said...

As my husband and I do not have children our routine consists of the alarm going off between 6:15-6:30. I drag myself off to the guest bed to try to get a few more minutes of sleep. After he has showered and dressed we go downstairs to the kitchen and turn on morning news and have some breakfast together. He will leave shortly after and I then make the bed and clean up and then shower myself and hop on the computer.

Marcia said...

My morning routine begins at 5:15am typically, sometimes earlier if my toddler wakes up to go potty. The best thing I can do is to set my work clothes out the night before. I make sure the ironing is done so in the morning, I can just put my clothes on and go. My toddler stays with my mom on work days so I usually try not to wake her up that early. I have a Lean Pocket for breakfast every morning. It takes under 2 minutes and it's healthy. I grab a piece of fruit on the way out the door. Preschool for my daughter starts this fall so I'll probably be setting her clothes out the night before as well. It's just so much easier and saves so much time. I can change my clothes 10 times and not pick something yet, so I NEED to do that haha.

learningmama at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

My morning routine is built upon preparing as much as possible the night before - get all of the backpacks ready, lay out school clothes, etc.

Sara said...

We don't have kids - yet!! But we are hoping soon! In the morning, my husband gets the dog up and puts him in our bed and then he gets dressed and heads off to work. Then I get up and shower and dress. Then I am in charge of putting the dog outside and making sure he is set for the day. I'm sure this will get much more complicated as our family grows!

buzzd said...

Don't have kids but my morning routine is to set out clothes the night before and then I get up, get ready, make my lunch and head out for the day.

Karen said...

I know that some people aren't going to like this idea, but here's what I do: If my kids are all dressed and packed up and seated at the table, they can turn on the TV during breakfast. I'm pretty strict about TV in general, so this is a real treat for them. Now I never have to nag them to get ready, because they are very eager to watch a cartoon before school!

Lea said...

My daughter is really good about getting herself up at 5am than, she wakes me up to take her to school at 630am. When I get home, I wake up my 13 year old, which takes about 5 times of me going into his room and starting out softly calling his name, but by the 5th time, it's no longer softly, but loudly! He then gets himself ready for school and walks the block there.

We don't eat breakfast at home during the week, as I am on disability and they get a hot free breakfast from school as well as free lunches. Usually after the kids are gone, I throw something in the crockpot for dinner, so that they can eat at 5pm, since they serve lunch at school kind of early and they are pretty hungry when they get home.

I could use that 250$ gift card for groceries, it would be awesome.

Liz said...

I wake up when my toddler does. Then it's breakfast, playing, and getting dressed. Depending on the day it's either off to the gym, music class or playgroup. I'm enjoying having only one child and not having the rush of school, yet!

Lea said...

I tweeted~

suzie said...

I have a 7 year old son and when it is time to wake him up for school, I start singing a silly song and rubbing his back. He loves waking up this way.

Thanks for the opportunity

Lea said...

I blogged

Patrice said...

I get up at 7:00 to give my bunnies their morning salad. Then I clean up after them and watch them as they run around the house, before letting them out to go to their favorite place - the screened porch.

Mindy said...

My morning routine HAS to start with a shower. Most people wake up with coffee, but I'm not truly awake until I've showered. My daughter, thankfully, likes to sleep, so my husband and I go about our routines and wake her up at the last minute. After my shower, I make some tea, eat some breakfast and put on my makeup while watching the morning news. No one is allowed to talk to me until this is done. ;-) Then I blowdry my hair and get dressed. After all of that, it's on to getting my daughter ready. Luckily, daycare provides her breakfast, so it's quick and easy...get her dressed, cleaned up, and it's out the door!

Anonymous said...

We get up at 6:45, and my 5 year old son has a book to keep him organized! He drew the pictures, and dictated to me what they were. I put them in plastic sheet covers, and then in a binder (he is totally my child.. my blog is Big Binder). It's stuff like "Get dressed; make bed; eat breakfast; bowl in sink," etc. His 3 year old sister just does whatever he does, so it works well. Usually.

Unknown said...

What works for me is to get up and hour before the kids so I can make lunches, listen to the news for a couple of minutes and then drink some coffee before I have to get them up and make their breakfast. The loss of sleep is better than a crazy morning.

Anonymous said...

The most important thing is to actually have a routine! If you don't have a set way of doing things, at least a few everyday things, you'll never get your day started. I always get up at least an hour before the kids do, have a cuppa and read the news before getting started. Time to clear your head is a must if you're a busy mama!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Blogged it!

Jenn said...

No kids yet, but the only thing that gets ME going in the morning is setting the coffee maker to automatically brew in the morning. It's a lifesaver to smell coffee when I first walk downstairs :)

Leilani said...

My kids know that as soon as they wake up they make their bed. I had to remind a lot in the beginning but now they just do it!

johnthegirl at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

My daughter drags me out of bed first, at which point I get up the little one and make everyone breakfast. We watch a half hour of noggin while I try and make myself functional and then we all color and then go for a walk. My kids are too little for school year though! eek.

We could really use this. My husband just got laid off and he's been looking for a new job for a month. : /

wiredalive at hotmail dot com

clynsg said...

My days of getting kids off to school are long gone, but it really wasn't as manic as some families have to deal with. Both of my girls were comparatively easy to get up, and since there is 7 years difference in their ages, I wasn't dealing with a batch of really little ones getting ready at the same time. Breakfast on school days was usually cereal and juice, with things like pancakes and french toast as specials for the weekends.

clynsg at

Anonymous said...

I don't have kids, and I work 2nd shift, so I have to run around in the morning to get everything done before going to work.


Alexia said...

My boys are too young to be in school, but they still think they should be up in time to go to school *sigh* I don't get into bed until midnight or later because of work so I have a hectic morning with trying to get my sleep in + breakfast and such for the boys. I try to make b-fast as simple as possible while still being healthy. Normally it's granola bars or cereal.

Alexia said...

Bebemiqui said...

Oh man, I know this sounds awful, but the thing I've found most helpful is allowing them to watch a cartoon while they eat. It gets them calm and ready to focus once I turn it off.
Me having a cup of coffee also seems to help them out :0)

Cherry Blossoms said...

My morning routine is to get my daughter and I up after my husband leaves for work. We take a shower, clean the house, do the laundry, play outside, cook dinner and then we spend family time when daddy comes home.

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com

Cherry Blossoms said...

I twittered:

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com

Cherry Blossoms said...

I blogged about this giveaway here:

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com

sweepmom said...

I get up usually an hour or so before my kids so that I can have some me time before starting my hectic day :)

Anonymous said...

Nothing too spectacular. My coffee maker is on automatic so it's ready when I wake up. But I usually lay out my clothes the night before so I don't have to slog through the closet. LOL.

ladydi115 said...

my morning routine consists of letting out the dogs, feeding the cats, then feeding the dogs, then letting the dogs out again. then I take care of myself; breakfast,etc. nothing too exciting.

Elena said...

If we have somewhere to go first thing in the morning then I make sure the kids set their clothes out the night before. Thanks for the contest!

Catherine said...

Morning routine: My dad gets up at around five in the morning and then I get up around six. My siblings get up around seven or later. We each make our own breakfast and then at 9:00 we start school. We homeschool.

pattycake said...

Right now my morning routine is pretty simple, as I just have myself to orgainize for the day.

Momnerd said...

My morning routine is very far from "routine". I have never been a morning person. We all wake up at different times so it gets a little crazy. One thing that I do almost every day though is when I go in to wake up my son in school I sing "wake up, wake up, you sleepy head." While tickling him gently and giving him kisses. It always seems to get him in the right mood. And me too for that matter. Fantastic giveaway!!

Momnerd said...

I tweeted here:

Teresa said...

I'm not sure we really have a routine because we're so disorganized, but the mornings go something like this: Up at 6 am, shower and dress, wake up kids. While they get clothes on and wake up a bit, I make french toast (usually) or eggs, toast, and turkey bacon. Then we all eat except for my oldest daughter who gets sick if she eats in the morning. Then everyone brushes teeth while I throw the dishes in the sink and run water over them (never get around to doing them till afternoon!). Backpacks should be by the door, but never are, so everyone runs around like crazy looking for their stuff. We pile in the car and head out. My oldest daughter tries to eat a bite in the car because by this time she's "OK" to eat. And that is the beginning of our day...or close to it! Thanks. Teresa
TRigell at aol dot com

Teresa said...

I tweeted at

Teresa said...

I blogged about this giveaway at
TRigell at aol dot com

SomebodyFamousJr said...

The dogs tell me when to get up -- it's always earlier than I would do on my own. I feed them and then take them ou in the back yard and let them do their thing. I come in and make myself some breakfast and then take a shower. Now I'm ready to go back to bed.

Elsie said...

I send in the dog!

Our faithful dog wakes up with me,
Alarm goes off and he's spry as can be!
I get up quick and send him on missions,
He enters each bedroom and jumps with precision!
He licks and he tickles and he is just crazy
No one can resist him, and stay in bed lazy!
He wags his tail and wrestles with delight,
And everyone should have a dog to start the day right!!
When everyone is on their way, he gives me a lick to say,
All done, alright!!
Can't wait til they get home tonight!!

beckylbranch said...

My morning routine: I try to do my hair the night before because that is what takes me the longest! And I always iron my clothes the night before too...I don't have any kids yet, but my Dad used to squirt us with a water bottle to get us up in the morning and I have to say that worked pretty well!LOL!

beckylbranch said...

I twittered too :)

kathemc(at)gmail(dot)com said...

We only have furry children, one of whom is ill, so the morning is spent hitting the snooze too many times, then doctoring my feline patient, dodging my husband (we share a bathroom), and trying to get ready and out the door to work.

Heidi Gail said...

My kids are grown up, so my morning routine is pretty easy now. I get up, let out the dogs, then wake up my husband. I get washed up, then wake up my husband. I get dressed, then wake up my husband. I Put on my make up, then wake up my husband. I feed the dogs, then wake up my husband. I eat breakfast, then wake up my husband for the last time. If he's still sleeping then he's on his own.

Crystal Arcand said...

My morning routine:
6:30 - hit the snooze
6:34 - hit the snooze again
6:38 - hit the snooze again
6:42 - think "who makes a snooze alarm for only 4 minutes?!" as I give in and get up
6:45-7:00 attempt to wake the kids up
7:00-7:30 - say, "Let's go!" a bajillion times and threaten to take at least one child to school in his or her underwear because they won't get dressed
7:30-7:45 take the kids to school
7:45-12:00 wish i could go back to sleep ;)

Emily said...

I only have 1 kid in school to this point and it is a boy. So he is fairly easy to get ready. I wake him up at 7:00 and he gets dressed, eats, brushes teeth and combs hair and he is usually ready by 7:20 (oh wouldn't that be nice to be ready in 15-20 minutes?). He showers at night so we have more time. He catches the bus at 7:30. I try to not let him watch tv because that slows down the morning. I would like to add other things, but I hate mornings myself, so I don't get us up to do those other things.

OffTheMap13 said...

My husband and I wake up at different times so I get up at 6, he at 8 or so (he goes to school full-time for his PhD). I grab my school stuff (I go after work) and my lunch (and dinner depending on if it's going to be a late night at school, and have an oatmeal breakfast at work.

Lo said...

My son is only 16 months, but he doesn't like getting up in the morning. We let him play with a favorite toy for diaper change and getting dressed and that helps a bit with the grumpies.

Lo said...

Here's my tweet:

Anonymous said...

No kids here. My husband gets up about 5:30 and starts the coffee. We read the newspaper and have coffee in bed, then we get ready for work.

ladyxmess said...

My kids are teens and get up before I do. They have a bowl of cereal and a glass of juice for breakfast. I have a cup of coffee and give them a hug before they leave for school. Thank goodness they can get themselves up in the am...I am such a night-owl. lol. Thanks for the contest...ladyxmess at

wild thunder said...

I try to get up at least a 1/2 hour before my son who is 3.5 . That way I can shower and get myself together before he wakes up.Then I try to wake him up gently. I turn on all his lights, put up the shades, and sing him a morning song. He usually slowly wakes up and is soon giggling at funny mommy. Its his giggles that help lift up my day.

Katie said...

LOTS of yelling. (Just kidding, kindof) I make sure my kids eat their breakfast first thing because that takes the most time and they're so much more reasonable with full bellies!
katiekarr at gmail dot com

tinasly said...

get up at 6am have my coffee(a must)get up my two year ,bottle and cartoons and thats about the short of it

cathirushing said...


Anonymous said...

Mornings are crazy! Usually wake up, grab some coffee, take my sister to school usually while I do my makeup in the car to save time and eat a bagel, I'm a multi-tasker! ;) Plus get the kids ready for school on days that I am a nanny. Oh boy, those mornings are

Thanks! :)
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

EJW said...

I'm up at 6:15, shower and dressed. I wake up the kid at 6:45 and get him dressed. We go down for breakfast and while unloading the dishwasher, changing over some laundry, and cleaning up, I pack lunches, diapers, and anything else go to daycare/work. My husband stumbles downstairs and grabs a yogurt and the kid, while I run for the bus.

This morning he offered to take some mornings, but I know it would be a disaster!

kmbennet said...

I get up and try to wake my kids up for about 15 minutes. Feed them and then I feed me. Get them dressed, teeth brushed, hair combed. Throw my gym clothes on and drop them off at the bus stop and zoom to the gym.

Ryan, Corrie, Max, and Jack said...

My mornings are pretty laid back right now. DD isn't school age, so I know changes are in our future, eventually. I get up when she wakes up, she eats breakfast, play, I make beds, start laundry, put dishes up, etc. Sort of boring overall. Do household stuff.

Swirl Girl said...

I gently tickle their backs, rouse them up out of bed...give them breakfast, make school them to school and then go to Starbucks.

they are orange juice drinkers, and I'd like to put something in their lunch boxes that is tasty and fairly good for them.

I will try this!

Taryn said...

I usually hear my daughter the minute she wakes up and I take the few minutes that she spends 'waking up to get some clothes on. I get her downstairs and get her breakfast ready & while she eats I finish getting ready & make her lunch (which I try to get most of done the night before). Then I can just get her wiped off, brushed & dressed then we're out the door! As soon as she's safely at school I either hit the coffee shop or go home and have a nice quiet breakfast to myself.

carol said...

Everything in our house is time just right so we don't miss the bus.

vibrantfun said...

I don't have kids. My morning routine is my dog wakes me up to let her out. Then I make some tea and breakfast. Then I read the paper over breakfast.

Kristie said...

I think getting things set out the night before helps the morning routine go easier-like set out the kids' clothes.

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

stepperB said...

Morning routine is get the kids going by making sure they're out of bed. They are both quick wakers so as long as they're physically out of the bed, they're set. From there its all routine, food, dress, off to school.

Aaren said...

Our alarm clocks--Charis 23 months and Emily 11 months--without doubt wake us at 6:45am--usually in sync. We scoot downstairs and get Daddy's lunch ready for him to take to work, kiss him goodbye. Then get the girls cups/bottles and breakfasts in between catching bits and pieces of the news. My son (3 1/2) wanders down an hour or so later for some TV and then breakfast.

Sunnyvale said...

no kids at home, but morning tip is to never skip breakfast

Unknown said...

I have a hard time waking my youngest up when it's time for school. He never wants to get out of bed. When he finally does, they lay around and watch My Life as a Teenage Robot for a bit, then it's time to get ready.

Anonymous said...

We start with family play time then homemade breakfast together. After getting dressed for the day we pray together and give dad lots of hugs and kisses before he leaves for work.

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